About Us

About Us

MROptimus, a full-service market research service provider with global reach, is fostered by 20 years of collective Market Research industry experience of its founders. Our founders have held key positions in major Market Research companies and helped immensely in their growth.
As a company, we have gained experience serving almost a decade in the industry and have detailed knowledge of every aspect concerning online supply for your in-depth research opinion. We realize the challenges the industry is plagued with today and also that clients are becoming overtly demanding. A tough economy brings multiple challenges, some of which can be mitigated by delivering high quality and fast turnaround jobs.
Our clientele ranges from small boutique market research agencies, online panel companies, and advertising/media consulting companies to the biggest names in the market research industry.
We are a fast-growing online market research services provider specializing in Online Survey Programming, Project Management, and Data Collection services to the market research industry.
We have registered online panellists across the globe with our main audience in the US, UK, and Canada and with considerable reach in BRIC, APAC, EMEA regions.
Our qualified Project Management team is committed to providing a professional client experience with every interaction through their proactive communication, adding value to client research objectives, and suggesting suitable cost-effective solutions to the client.

Quality Assurance

We have developed different quality parameters to ensure all our survey respondents are unique and are driven by data quality measures. Our different survey checks are on the following stages,
  • Respondents are asked to Double-opt-in while they are recruited to our panel
  • All our surveys pass through a digital fingerprint and have several checks on a respondents IP addresses and browser cookies
  • Red-Herring and different trap questions along with a formal note in our invite put a stop to irrelevant/junk data
  • Regular scrutiny of fraudsters/professional survey takers by checking their responses from time to time
  • To make sure we have quality in practice, any panellist if found 3 flags raised based on their poor/inappropriate responses are expelled from our panel with a guarantee not to be recruited again in the future
Our panellists are motivated not only for rewards but also to contribute towards development of new products and services for society and their own wellbeing. This value helps us to get fair and honest answers to all our research work that we do.